Monday 22 September 2014

She's Baaaaaaaaaaaack!


Can you believe it's been a whole year??? It's been so long since I have spoken to you all? How have you been???

Over the last 12 months, there has been many ups and downs, some tears and a whole heap of laughter. But I have missed my blog......So am going to get back into it!

This blog makes me accountable. In a funny way, it gives me a sense of worth! Pride even. I had so many people inbox me on my Facebook Page and tell me I was an inspiration, and that really warmed my heart!! So here we are!

Now what?

As I am no longer doing the 20 day challenge {kinda been more than 20 days} I need to come up with some new content. Sooooooooo, what would you like to see? Cleaning tips and ideas? Posts on how I organise myself {and my home}? Or something else entirely! I am open to suggestions.

I do have some 'review' type posts lined up, and some cooking/recipe posts {guess who got a Bellini Intelli Kitchen Master for her birthday?}, so that will be fun. I also thought I would share with you, my 'sewing' journey as I attempt to make my daughter an "Elsa" inspired dress from the movie Frozen.

So come with me as I make a dress, learn how to get the most out of my Bellini, and whatever other adventures we find ourselves taking.

I look forward to hearing your ideas.

Talk soon

Meegs xx

Monday 9 September 2013


I am STILL offline!!  I am so keen to get back on this challenge and finish it.

Fingers crossed that everything is right with the world by the end of the week and we will be together again....

In the meantime, I will brag about what a bunch of good looking kids I have xxxxx

Tuesday 3 September 2013


Am having some issues with my Phone and Internet provider. Needless to say, I have no internet to keep up with the challenges.

As soon as my internet is back up and running I will get back on it, and then start researching alternate service providers. Any reviews you would like to share with me? Who would you recommend for phone and internet service providers (other than Telstra and optus)??

Hopefully I'll be back up and running soon. 

Meegs xx

P. S Hope all the Daddy's had a brilliant fathers day....  This is what our kids did for their Dad.....

Thursday 29 August 2013

Day 14 - The Office!

Well I was successful! Successful at doing NOTHING on today's challenge of tidying/cleaning Magoo's room...... *hangs head in shame*

Although I had a great lunch date with my mum! I made that quiche again and it was even more delicious than yesterday's!

Today's yummy quiche!
Jump on that recipe! 

It was great to catch up with her today! 

I also caught up on my washing! I am now up to date with the new routine! I now have 3 loads of colours lurking in the lounge room.. Today was definitely not as nice as yesterday, it rained and the wind was awful! 

Front View

I have a 7.5kg front loader washing machine..... On this clothes horse, is two loads of washing!!! A tip for you - items that would normally get hung up in your wardrobe, like shirts or jackets etc, hang up to dry, on your clothes horse, on a coat hanger! Not only does this save space on your clothes horse (or airer, whatever you call it), it also makes it easier to put it away! You don't have to fold it up to add to that persons pile, to be put away later -  it can be put straight into their wardrobe! This is fantastic for the kids' clothes, when there is usually only the one person responsible for putting all their clothes away.

Side View

Mr Magoo was extremely upset when he couldn't go outdoors and play today, but Miss Tilly made her own fun! 

"Camping" on the sofa, using a pillow case as a sleeping bag.

All the kids had a turn, and thought it was great fun! I think on Saturday we might set up camp in the lounge room... 

Another thing I did today, was tackle the enormous basket of odd socks { insert witty name for odd sock basket here, I couldn't think of one }.

Does your house eat socks??? Where do they go?? I have no idea why they always, always ALWAYS disappear! Sometimes its just easier to toss the lot, and buy new ones... I tell you what, I felt that way when I tipped all this onto the end of my bed.....

How does this happen??

Every time we came across an odd sock, we would throw it into the basket (an old washing basket) and every now and then, whenever we can be bothered, we will sort through it.

Jman and Miss Tilly decided to give me hand, and we actually found quite a few pairs. Miss Tilly finding the most! 
Nearly a pair!

Poor thing was shattered when I told her that these weren't a pair, and showed her stubborn streak by pairing them up anyway

I am looking forward to tomorrow's { day 15 } tasks. Tomorrow we are going to Clean the pergola area, de-clutter the gardens (weed) and organise the kids wardrobes.... { printable } and a { honey do list too }, which I will be making good use of tomorrow hehehehe 

Well I can tell you right now, there is no way I will be able to get the kids' wardrobes done! My pergola is a disgrace and will take up ALL my time! I will send the kids' out to weed my 1 and only garden bed.... They'll love it. They pick the little yellow flower weeds for me all the time!! Jman calls them "Honey Flowers" :)

Yellow weed 'flowers'

Might as well pull the plants out too, they're dead........ May they R.I.P.

I can't wait to show you the transformations tomorrow! It's going to be a good one!!!

Can you believe that we're almost ¾ of the way through! Only 1 more week { and 1 day } to go! I hope my mum was proud of me today when she came for lunch, and didn't have to shove stuff aside to eat at the table. I even showed her my new organising system in my drawers { which she rather liked }, and taught her a new way to fold her T-shirts { and I'm sure the fact that my bed was made wasn't lost on her either } :)

Don't forget it's Fathers Day this Sunday! I have Mr Misters' fathers day organised (well the 'gifts' anyway) and we have decided to go on a family picnic! Lists, lists and more lists (I love lists) to get organised. We have decided to go to a location that is about an hours drive from here. Somewhere we have never been before, and I'm really excited about it! 

What are your plans for Fathers Day? Do you have any Fathers Day Traditions? The kids prefer to make their Dad a present, and I have found some really nice printables, that I will share with you tomorrow night!

Ummmmmmm I think that's it!!! I feel like I have forgotten something..... Maybe because its only 9:00 pm, when I'm usually just finishing up at 11:00 pm lol.  Right - well I will leave it there for now! 

Talk to you tomorrow

Meegs xx

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Day 13 - de-webbing

Is your home cobweb free?? OMGosh! They pop up quickly don't they??!!

I used the cobweb brush and zipped up the hallways and into the rooms to check... I don't know about you, but I didn't fancy lugging the hoover around JUST for cornices and cobwebs... Yes, I could have hoovered the floors while I was at it, but I had better other things to do :)

Yucky cobwebs on the landing!
As for the kids' artwork....... Well - I don't have any! Boo is in highschool now, so he doesn't bring home huge pieces of paper filled with green paint any more. Although today, he bought home some sweet and savoury scones he made in Home Eco! { they were yummy too }

Jman, although a preppie, hasn't brought much home at all! However I will be taking Kat's suggestion's on board { love the digital photo frame idea } as Miss Tilly starts Kindergarten next year! Kinder is a Killer for paint splats on paper!

It was such a beautiful day today!! Jman said to me this morning "It's a beautiful day today, maybe we should open the windows to let the wind in"! What a Fantastic idea, and when I told him he ran around all the rooms and opened all the windows. It was such a nice day, we spent almost ALL of it outdoors! I even got a little sunburnt :/

We even had lunch outdoors!

Mr Magoo, Jman and Miss Tilly enjoying their lunch outdoors!
Thank goodness its "clean up the pergola day" on Friday!

Although Magoo was the only one that ate it... Jman only managed half his sandwich, before proclaiming he was full (can't wait for his appetite to return, his ribs are showing) and Miss Tilly got through 1 bite before she took off to play!

Beautiful Blue Sky

Couldn't blame her with weather as beautiful as this!!!??

Mr Magoo enjoying some time on the trampoline

He is just starting to really enjoy boucning on the trampoline. Jman used to call it the "boing boing" when he was the same age hahaha

"Where's Jman?"

He has loved having his older brother home from school this week.  Although he is still extremely snotty and has developed a cough, I think Jman is starting to feel better... He crashes about 2pm-ish, when all he wants to do is sit and watch TV, and eats less than a sparrow, but I think he's over the worst of it.

I also had a friend pop over today and bring  some yummy no fail quiche for us grown ups for lunch. That was a yummy surprise. Jman and Miss Tilly had a taste and they both loved it! So much so that Jman asked me to make some for dinner!

So my friend Gaie, from Modern Mumma's Cakes and Bakes { find her on Facebook here } shared with me her recipe for her no fail quiche, and has given me permission to share it with YOU!

Cooking away!
I was hesitant to use my nice clean oven!
However is was soooooooo worth it :)

Not only does this taste delicious, it made my whole house smell delicious too!!

Here is the recipe!

Gaie's No Fail Quiche
  • 6-8 Eggs 
  • 1 ½ cups of Milk
  • 1 cup of Grated Cheese
  • ¾ cup of SR Flour
  • 1 Onion - diced
  • Garlic - to taste
  • 1 Capsicum - whichever colour you like, but red makes for nice colour 
  • Carrot - Grated
  • Celery - chopped
  • Bacon - chopped
  • Whatever other veggies you can cut up or grate to chuck in it (like mushrooms or zucchini) 
Preheat oven to 170° (15-160° fan forced) 

Chop up and/or grate all the Vegetables. Sauté the Onions, Garlic and Celery in a fry pan to release the flavours and soften slightly (the celery in particular). 

Using a large Mixing Bowl, combine all the ingredients together and pour into a greased, oven proof dish. Season to taste.

Bake for about 45 minutes and viola! Done! You can make sure its cooked, by giving the dish a little shake. If the quiche wobbles a lot, then it needs a little longer.

Somehow the flour seems to settle to the bottom making the base! Its sooooooo yummy.

This one I baked for 45 minutes at 160°. (I have a fan forced oven)

I am going to make another one tomorrow it was so nice! { the fact that I have an abundance of eggs has NOTHING to do with it hehe }

Right! So onto tomorrows { Day 14 } tasks! It's the Office!!! To clean, de-clutter and organise your office and desk! { printable } and we even get a To-Do List { here }

Well...... I don't have one!!! Although I will take note of her organising tips for when I do get one (and I will have by the end of the challenge, won't I Mr Mister!!!)  So fingers crossed I can do Mr Magoo's bedroom, that I was going to do last week instead.......... 

It's supposed to be nice again tomorrow, however I will definitely be putting Magoo down for a nap.... Playing outdoors all day sure did tire him out, but maybe a lil too much! He was so over tired and although he was asleep before 7, he was awake again before 10 *sigh*

Playing in the dirt

He WAS feeding the chickens lol

Playing on the trampoline

Wish me luck!

Talk to you tomorrow

Meegs xx

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Day 12 - Dishwasher and Bathroom Cupboards

Dishwasher Day!! Today was a relatively easy day { as far as the challenge was concerned }.

Jman has now had a fever and been poorly for 5 days with a stupid virus, so he has been my main priority. I hate Winter and all it's bloody germs!!!

My Poor baby - Jman feels poorly

However I did get it done!!!

Here is the evidence!

Jug of Vinegar

1 and a half cups as Kat suggests

Eco Wash!

The sprinkling of the bi-carb! Jman helped :)

It was also bed sheets day on my washing routine, and some catching up to do as I might have accidentally forgotten to hang some washing out, that needed re-washing............

I got it ALL DONE! Washed, hung out to dry, folded and put away, and new sheets on the beds!! Go me!! The kids toddler bed/cot sized sheets were nearly dry when I needed the line space to hang out the sheets from my bed... I took them off, and hung my sheets on the line (it was a gorgeous day).

Instead of just chucking them (the toddler/cot linen) into the dryer to finish them off, or hanging them on the clothes horse, I ironed them dry!!  Yes, you read correctly, I.R.O.N.E.D! { please excuse me while I go and pick my mother up off the floor } Even Boo got off the school bus and put his hand to my forehead to make sure I was feeling alright! He said I felt a bit warm HAHA

So Tomorrow { day 13 } we're going to clean the cornices and de-clutter and organise the kids' artwork! { printable }

I have been using a cobweb brush to dust and de-web the cornices as I've cleaned each room, so I will do a quick run around up and down the hallways, and into rooms I've not tackled yet, and check over the rooms that I have already done, to grab the web's I've missed!

On that note, I'm off to bed, as I'm starting to feel blah, with a sore throat etc - I REALLY hope I'm not getting sick again! Hit me with all you're immune defence/strengthening remedies in the comments below - or on my Facebook page { The Developing Housewife }.

Before I say goodnight, I want to share a couple photos of Mr Magoo, who was such a sweetheart today, and was just happy to do his own thing....

Sitting in his Reading Corner with all his Teddies


He loves his books, and loves to make up his own stories to the pictures!

Very rarely do I ever understand what he's saying, unless he's naming specific things in the book like, Car, Truck, Bus etc (he loves car books)

Such a sweetheart! Reading to his Teddies.

OK - Talk to you tomorrow night.... Enjoy the sunshine!

Meegs xx 

Day 11 and Mission Catch Up

Ok! I'm almost caught up!

I managed to get all of today's tasks done, and the oven from Friday's Task!

Today's Tasks were to clean the Washing Machine and to De-clutter and Organise the Linen Press.  I did a massive clear out of the Linen Press a couple of months ago, so this task wasn't too hard, I did however get rid of a few more towels and re-organised it. I will see if I can find some photos of what it was like before I did the big overhaul a couple of months ago, and share those with you as well!

I forgot to take before photos of the oven racks, so took a photo of them once they had been soaking in the bath for a while. Check out the colour of the water! Ewwwww!

Here are some Before photo's from Today:

Before - inside the oven

The worst part was the door! OMG it was orange!!!!! Only thing on the bottom of the oven was dust! All the gunk and crap fell into the grill thingy { insert technical term here }.

Before - outside of oven

I think this was filthier than the inside!

Oven Racks

Soaking in the bath! Still needed to use Steel Wool to clean them though ... Here are the after shots!

After - inside the oven

After - Outside of oven

Ooooooooooh Shiny!

Here are the before photos of my Linen Press:

Before - Door 1

A little untidy.

Before -Doors 2 and 3
I love the size of my Linen Press! I had a look for the old before photo (when I purged 4 garbage bags of linen we didn't use) and all I could find was this instagram one.....

Check out the before!!!

Holy Moly!!! I can't believe it was ever like that!!! How on earth did I find anything in that???? Here are today's afters: 

After - Door 1

After - another shot of door 1

After - Doors 2 and 3

Not much of a difference, but I did pull out and re-fold all the blankets and towels :)

After - Doors 2 and 3

Closer shot of the bottom towel shelves.... kids towels on the top (they each have their own pile) and mine and Mr Misters on the bottom.. Behind My pile are the white "Guest" Towels, and behind Mr Misters pile, are the towels we use then we go to the pool.

After - Doors 2 and 3

I didn't refold and sort the doona covers and sheets (top two shelves), but I did pull out and refold and sort the blankets...

When I washed the washing Machine, I did not use the instructions from the link I posted this morning { sorry Kat }. I did some research (gotta love Google) and I found another alternative! I have a 7.5 kg Front Loader, I put 2 tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda in the washing powder part of the dispenser, and 1/2 a cup of vinegar in the fabric softener part. Run empty on a normal cycle (not too hot, I had mine at 60°), keeping an eye on the suds level. I didn't have any issues, but apparently it can be a little bubbly due to the washing powder residue.

I didn't take any before photos - but look how shiny my machine is! 

Oooooooh Purty!!! Looks almost brand new!!!

Tomorrows Task { Day 12 }is to clean the Dishwasher, and to de-clutter and organise the bathroom cupboard. { printable }

I did my bathroom cupboards when I did my bathroom, so I will use the time that I would have spent doing that, catching up on the tasks I missed last week. Fingers Crossed I get a bit done, Jman is poorly with a fever, head full of snot, and also getting his 5-7 yo molars! Poor kid :(

I sure hope its contained to just him and that Miss Tilly and Mr Magoo don't cop it, but we're never that lucky!! If one gets it, they ALL get it...

So after taking FOREVER to get this post done, I'm going to sleep! I am knackered!!! Probably still trying to recover from the weekend! It was my 30th (+3) birthday and I had a party! First birthday party in over 7 years! Below is one of my fav selfies from the night! I had a fantastic time, and I wanna take this opportunity to thank everyone who came and contributed! Without you there wouldn't have been a party xxxxxxxx

So good luck with your dishwasher { and if you don't have one and cleaned your cupboards when you cleaned your bathroom, then DAY OFF!!! }. Talk to you tomorrow night

Meegs xx

Birthday Selfies with a Bestie xxx